Electric Vehicle
電動機車馬達設計開發 (2022-2023)
Y-T Huang, C-C Yang, T-S Li, and Y-M Chen, “A Feedforward Voltage Control Strategy for Reducing the Output Voltage Double Line Frequency Ripple in Single-Phase AC-DC Converters,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 6605-6612, Dec. 2021.
T-W Tsai, Y-C Li, C-J Yang, and Y-M Chen, “Per-Phase Active Power Distribution Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Tied Inverters Under Unbalanced Conditions Without DC Sources,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 6624-6636, Dec. 2021.
C-C Yang, Y-L Chen, B-Y Chen, and Y-M Chen, “Active Capacitors with Ripple Cancellation Control for AC-DC Converter Applications,” IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 103937-103949, 2021.
N. S. Ahmad, T-W Tsai, and Y-M Chen, “Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters with Simplified SPWM Control," IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 1, pp. 107-179, June, 2020.
Y-T Huang, C-H Li, and Y-M Chen, “A Modified Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Flyback Converter for Step-Down AC-DC Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 4613-4621, May 2020.
K-Y Lo and Y-M Chen, “Design of a Seamless Grid-Connected Inverter for Microgrid Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.194-202, January 2020.
M-C Yang, Z-Y Chen, Y-M Chen, and C-C Hsu, “Online Grid Impedance Measurement Based on Virtual Reference Axis,” International Power Electronics Conference-ECCE Asia, 2022, pp.1504-1510.
B-W Zhang, H-N Chiu, and Y-M Chen, “Coupling Network State Equation Control For Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Emulators”, IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, 2021, pp.1-5.
Y-T Huang and Y-M Chen, “Power Conditioner with Feedforward Voltage Control,” IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, 2021, pp.1-4.
H-C Hsu, N-T Chung, Y-M Chen, and C-C Hsu, “Grid Voltage Balancing Strategy Based on Per-Phase-Controlled Inverters,” IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, 2021, pp.1-6.
Y-H Yang, C-H Lin, T-S Li, and Y-M Chen, “Motor State Augmented Full-state Feedback DC-Link Voltage Control for Two-stage PMSM Drive,” IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, 2021, pp.1-6.
T-S Li, Y-H Yang, Che-An Cheng, and Y-M Chen, “A Variable DC-Link Voltage Determination Method for Motor Drives with SiC MOSFETs,” IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia, 2020.
C-A Cheng, C-C Chang, T-S Li, Z-J Chen, and Y-M Chen, “Initial Rotor Position Startup Process Emulation Based on Electric Motor Emulator,” IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2020, pp.605-610.